Dr. Rachel Rielinger
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What is diagnostic imaging?
It's basically different tools that we can use to figure out what's going on with a pet.
What is an example of a major form of diagnostic imaging?
One major form of diagnostic imaging that we use is x-ray. We use it to find types of masses, check if they have something in their abdomen or chest, see if they have something stuck in their GI tract like a foreign body, and even look at their bladder and skull.
What is dental x-ray?
Dental x-ray is used to see signs of dental disease that we can't detect just by looking at the teeth because the gums and the bone hide so much. We use dental x-rays to make sure that the roots are okay and to see whether or not a tooth might be damaged and needs to be extracted.
What other diagnostic tools are available?
We also have ultrasound machines. They provide an even better image for looking at things like the bladder, liver, different types of masses, and the heart in an echocardiogram to see how the heart is beating.
What advanced forms of imaging are there?
There are more advanced forms of imaging like CT scanning or MRIs, which are usually available at an emergency clinic or a 24-hour referral clinic. These provide even better images and can be used for things like surgical planning, especially if a tumor is really small or entwined in a different organ.
If you have any other questions, please contact us.